Presentations, Books and Articles
Quick links to external sites: Google Scholar profile, ResearchGate presence, DBLP entry, IEEE Software Insights column, my other blog on Medium
Presentations (Selection)
Ten (presentations) from eight (years) on APIs, Domain-Driven Design, Microservices (also sharing some lessons learned on research and technical writing):
- Timing Architectural Decisions, ITARC 2024 Keynote, Stockholm, October 2024. (PDF)
- APIs as Service Activators: Tackling the Hard Parts of Integration Design, ZEUS Workshop Keynote, February 2023. (PDF)
- Dimensions of Successful Web API Design and Evolution: Context, Contracts, Components, Keynote, 20th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), June 2020. (PDF, blog post)
- From Domain-Driven Design to Microservice APIs of Quality and Style: Context, Contracts, Components, Seventh Meeting of GI Working Group on Microservices and DevOps, February 2020.1 (PDF)
- Domain-Driven Service Identification and Design with Microservice API Patterns (updated), 2nd Vienna Software Seminar on DevOps and Microservice APIs, August 2019 (PDF)
- Domain-Specific Service Decomposition with Microservice API Patterns, Keynote, Microservices 2019 Conference, February 2019 (PDF)
- Context Mapper: DSL and Tools for Domain-Driven Service Design Bounded Context Modeling and Microservice Decomposition, JUG Switzerland, September 2019 (with Stefan Kapferer) (PDF)
- Domain-Driven Service Identification: From Bounded Contexts to Web APIs of Quality and Style, HPI Seminar, February 2018 (PDF)
- Service Design as a set of Recurring Architectural Decisions: Principles, Patterns and Project Lessons (with Lessons learned from Projects in Industry and Academia), Keynote, CSCUBS, May 17, 2017 (PDF)
- Designed and Delivered Today, Eroded Tomorrow? Towards an Open and Lean Architecting Framework Balancing Agility and Sustainability, ECSA 2016 SAGRA Workshop (PDF)
My PhD alumnus page links to previous presentations, including those from SATURN conferences 2010 to 2013.
Recent Highlights
Note: I update this page 1-2 times per year only. My Google Scholar page always is quite current.
- Kapferer, S.; Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.: Towards responsible software engineering: combining value-based processes, agile practices, and green metering, Proc. of ISTAS 2024, IEEE (PDF)
- Montesi, F.; Peressotti, M.; Picotti, V.; Zimmermann, O.: A Conceptual Framework for API Refactoring in Enterprise Application Architectures. Proc. of ESOCC 2025. (PDF)
- Levezinho, M.; Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.; Rito Silva, A.: Domain-Driven Design Representation of Monolith Candidate Decompositions, Proc. of EDOC 2024. (PDF)
- Bogner, J.; Wojcik, P.; Zimmermann, O.: How Do Microservice API Patterns Impact Understandability? A Controlled Experiment, Proc. of ICSA 2024, IEEE (preprint PDF)
- Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.; Kapferer, S.: Pattern-oriented API Refactoring: Addressing Design Smells and Stakeholder Concerns, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2024, ACM (PDF)
- Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.; Stocker, M.: Value-Driven Analysis and Design: Applying Domain-Driven Practices in Ethical Software Engineering, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2024, ACM (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Kapferer, S.; Stocker, M.: Bringing Ethical Values into Agile Software Engineering, Proc. of ETHICOMP 2024 (peer-reviewed extended abstract, subsequent full paper, presentation slides)
- Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.; Kapferer, S.; Stocker, M.: Continuous Integration and Delivery in Open Source Development and Pattern Publishing: Lessons Learned With Tool Setup and Pipeline Evolution, IEEE Software Volume: 41, Issue: 1, Jan.-Feb. 2024
- Stocker, M., Zimmermann, O.: API Refactoring to Patterns: Catalog, Template and Tools for Remote Interface Evolution, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2023, ACM Digital Library (open access, PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Luban, K.; Stocker, M.; Bernard, G.: Continuous Process Model Refinement from Business Vision to Event Simulation and Software Automation: Bridging Gaps between Stakeholder Communities, Practices, Notations, and Tools, Proc. of ICSE IWSIB 2022 (PDF)
Books and Book Chapters (Selection)
- Zimmermann, O., Stocker, M., Lübke, D., Zdun, U., Pautasso, C.: Patterns for API Design. Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges, Addison Wesley, December 2022.
- Zimmermann, O., Stocker, M.: Design Practice Reference, LeanPub, 2021-2024.
- Furda, A.; Fidge; C., Barros; A., Zimmermann, O.: Re-engineering Data-Centric Information Systems for the Cloud. A Method and Architectural Patterns Promoting Multi-Tenancy. In: Mistrík, I., Bahsoon, R., Ali, N., Heisel, M., Maxim, B. (eds.): Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud.Elsevier, 2017. ISBN 978-0-12-805467-3.
- Zimmermann, O.; Miksovic, C., Decisions Required vs. Decisions Made. Connecting Enterprise Architects and Solution Architects via Guidance Models. In: Mistrík, I., Tang, A., Bahsoon R., Stafford, J.: Aligning Enterprise, System, and Software Architectures (eds.): IGI Global, 2013. ISBN 9781466621992.
- Zimmermann, O.; Kopp, P; Pappe, S.: Architectural Knowledge in an SOA Infrastructure Reference Architecture, in: Ali Babar, M.; Dingsøyr, T.; Lago, P.; van Vliet, H. (eds), Software Architecture Knowledge Management, Springer 2009. (PDF)
- Zimmermann, Olaf: An Architectural Decision Modeling Framework for Service-Oriented Architecture Design, PhD thesis, Stuttgart University, 2009. ISBN 978-3-86624-438-2. (PDF)
- Zimmermann, Olaf; Tomlinson, Mark; Peuser, Stefan: Perspectives on Web Services. Applying SOAP, WSDL and UDDI to Real-World Projects. Springer-Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3-540-00914-0.2 This OOPSLA 2008 tutorial features selected content from the book.
- Wahli, U.; Tomlinson, M.; Zimmermann, O; Deruyk, W.; Hendricks, D.: Web Services Wizardry with WebSphere Studio Application Developer. IBM Redbook, IBM ITSO 2002. ISBN 0-738-42335-1.
More Research Papers and Practitioner Articles
Note: Almost but not all my papers are listed here. A bibtex page with all papers known to DBLP can be downloaded from the DBLP website.
For Professionals in Industry (in German):
- Ronzon, T.; Zimmermann, O.; Lübke, D.: Interview zu “Patterns for API Design”, Java Spektrum, November 2023
- Lübke, D.; Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.: API Design mit Patterns, Teil 1 bis 4, In: javamagazin 9-12, 2022 (plus
- Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.: Domain-Driven Design in der Praxis — Erfahrungen mit dem Open-Source-Tool Context Mapper, In: JavaSPEKTRUM 6/2021, pages 20–23 (PDF); English version available as blog post
API Design and Refactoring, Domain-Driven Design, Cloud-Native Applications (since 2020):
- Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.: From Code Refactoring to API Refactoring: Agile Service Design and Evolution, Proc. of SummerSOC 2021: Service-Oriented Computing, Springer CCIS Volume 1419 (PDF)
- Basig, L.; Lazzaretti, F.; Zimmermann, O.: Reliable Event Routing in the Cloud and on the Edge: An Internet-of-Things Solution in the AgeTech Domain, Proc. of ECSA 2021, Springer LNCS Volume 12857 (PDF)
- Serbout, S.; Pautasso, C.; Zdun, U.; Zimmermann, O.: From OpenAPI Fragments to API Pattern Primitives and Design Smells, Proc. of EuroPloP 2021 (PDF)
- Singjai, A.; Zdun, U.; Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.: Patterns on Deriving APIs and their Endpoints from Domain Models, Proc. of EuroPloP 2021 (PDF)
- Singjai, A.; Zdun, U.; Zimmermann, O.: Practitioner Views on the Interrelation of Microservice APIs and Domain-Driven Design: A Grey Literature Study Based on Grounded Theory, Proc. of ICSA 2021 (PDF)
- Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.: Domain-Driven Architecture Modeling and Rapid Prototyping with Context Mapper, in: selected and extended papers from Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Springer CCIS Volume 1361 (PDF).
- Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.: Domain-driven Service Design — Context Modeling, Model Refactoring and Contract Generation. Proc. of SummerSoC 2020: Service-Oriented Computing, Springer CCIS Volume 1310 (PDF, presentation)
- Kapferer, S.; Zimmermann, O.: Domain-specific Language and Tools for Strategic Domain-driven Design, Context Mapping and Bounded Context Modeling. Proc. of MODELSWARD 2020 conference, pp. 299-306. (PDF). More information on Context Mapper can be found here (presentations, papers).
Microservice API Patterns (MAP) (since 2017):
- Zimmermann, O.; Stocker, M.; Lübke, D.; Pautasso, C.; Zdun, U.: Introduction to Microservice API Patterns (MAP), Joint Post-Proceedings of the First and Second International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2017/2019), Dagstuhl OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs) 2020 (PDF). The MAP website can be found here.
- Zimmermann, O.; Lübke, D.; Zdun, U.; Pautasso, C.; Stocker, M.: Interface Responsibility Patterns: Processing Resources and Operation Responsibilities, Proc. EuroPLoP ’20, July 1–4, 2020, Virtual Event, Germany, ACM Digital Library (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.; Lübke, D.; Zdun, U.; Stocker, M.: Data-Oriented Interface Responsibility Patterns: Types of Information Holder Resources, Proc. of EuroPLoP ’20, July 1–4, 2020, Virtual Event, Germany, ACM Digital Library (PDF)
- Lübke, D.; Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.; Zdun, U.; Stocker, M.: Interface Evolution Patterns: Balancing Compatibility and Extensibility across Service Life Cycles, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2019 conference, ACM Digital Library (PDF).
- Zdun, U.; Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.; Lübke, D. Pautasso, C.: Guiding Architectural Decision Making on Quality Aspects in Microservice APIs, Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018) (PDF)
- Stocker, M.; Zimmermann, O.; Zdun, U.; Lübke, D. Pautasso, C.: Interface Quality Patterns: Communicating and Improving the Quality of Microservices APIs, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2018 conference, ACM Digital Library (PDF).
- Zimmermann, O.; Stocker, M.; Lübke, D.; Zdun, U.: Interface Representation Patterns — Crafting and Consuming Message-Based Remote APIs, Proc. of EuroPLoP 2017 conference, ACM Digital Library (PDF).
Microservices and related topics (since 2016):
- Neri D., Soldani, J., Zimmermann, O., Brogi, A: Design Principles, Architectural Smells and Refactorings for Microservices. A Multivocal Review. In: SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems (Springer 2019). (PDF)
- Pardon, G.; Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.: Consistent Disaster Recovery for Microservices: the BAC Theorem. In: IEEE Cloud Computing, 5(1) 2018, pp. 49-59. (PDF)
- Pahl, C.; Jamshidi, P.; Zimmermann, O.: Architectural Principles for Cloud Software., In: ACM Trans. on Internet Technology (TOIT) 18 (2) 2018, pp. 17:1-17:23. (PDF)
- Furda, A.; Fidge, C.; Zimmermann, O.; Kelly, W.; Barros, A.: Migrating Enterprise Legacy Source Code to Microservices: On Multitenancy, Statefulness, and Data Consistency. In: IEEE Software, 35 (3) 2018, pp. 63-72. (PDF)
- Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.; Amundsen, M.; Lewis, J.; Josuttis, N.: Microservices in Practice, Part 1: Reality Check and Service Design. In: IEEE Software, Volume 34, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 91-98.
- Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.; Amundsen, M.; Lewis, J.; Josuttis, N.: Microservices in Practice, Part 2: Service Integration and Sustainability. In: IEEE Software, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 97-104.
- Gysel, M.; Kölbener, L.; Giersche, W.;, Zimmermann, O.: Service Cutter: A Systematic Approach to Service Decomposition, Proc. of European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, Springer 2016 (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.: Microservices Tenets: Agile Approach to Service Development and Deployment. In: Computer Science — Research and Development, Springer 2016 (PDF)
Software architecture and patterns in general (since 2013):
- Capilla, R.; Zimmermann, O.; Carrillo, C.; Astudillo, H.: Teaching Students Software Architecture Decision Making, Proc. of ECSA 2020 (PDF).
- Kopp, O.; Armbruster, A.; Zimmermann, O.: Markdown Architectural Decision Records: Format and Tool Support. Proc. of ZEUS 2018. (PDF)
- Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.: The Web as a Software Connector: Integration Resting on Linked Resources. In: IEEE Software, 35 (1) 2018, pp. 93-98. (PDF)
- Hohpe, G.; Ozkaya, I.; Zdun, U.; Zimmermann, O.: The Software Architect’s Role in the Digital Age. Guest Editors’ Introduction. In: IEEE Software, Volume 33, Issue 6, 2016, pp. 30-39. (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.: Architectural Refactoring for the Cloud: a Decision-Centric View on Cloud Migration. In: Springer Computing, 2017, pp 129–145.
- Zimmermann, O: Architectural Refactoring: A Task-Centric View on Software Evolution. InfoQ and IEEE Software, Volume 32, Issue 2, 2015, pp 26-29.
- Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.; Hohpe, G.; Woolf, B.: A Decade of Enterprise Integration Patterns. A Conversation with the Authors. In: IEEE Software, Volume 33, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 13-19. (PDF)
- Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.: Seeking Your Insights. Department’s Editors Welcome. In: IEEE Software, Volume 32, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 7-9. (PDF)
- Zdun, U.; Capilla, R.; Tran, H.; Zimmermann, O.: Sustainable Architectural Design Decisions. In: IEEE Software, Special Issue on Software Sustainability, Volume 30, Issue 6, 2013 (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Koziolek, H.: Program Highlights and Articles from SEI SATURN 2013. In: IEEE Software, Volume 31, Issue 2 2014, pp 87-90.
- Hohpe, G.; Wirfs-Brock, R.; Yoder, J.; Zimmermann, O.: Twenty Years of Patterns’ Impact. InfoQ and IEEE Software, Volume 30, Issue 6, 2013, 88. (PDF)
Software ecosystems, app stores, open platforms; joint work with University of Paderborn (2016-2020):
- Jazayeri, B.; Schwichtenberg, S.; Küster, J.; Zimmermann, O; Engels, G.: Modeling and Analyzing Architectural Diversity of Open Platforms. In: Proc. of CAiSE 2020 conference. (PDF)
- Jazayeri, B.; Zimmermann, O.; Küster, J.; Engels, G.; Szopinski, D.; Kundisch, D.: Patterns of Store-oriented Software Ecosystems: Detection, Classification, and Analysis of Design Options. Sugarloaf PLOP 2018 conference. (PDF)
- Jazayeri, B.; Zimmermann, O.; Küster, J.; Engels, G.; Kundisch, D.; Szopinski, D.: Design Options of Store-Oriented Software Ecosystems: An Investigation of Business Decisions. In: Proc. of MBSD 2018 conference, pp. 390-400. (PDF)
- Jazayeri, B.; Zimmermann, O.; Engels, G.; Kundisch, D.: A Variability Model for Store-Oriented Software Ecosystems: An Enterprise Perspective. In: Proc. of ICSOC 2017 conference, pp. 573–588. (PDF)
Architectural Decisions (ADs) and Architectural Knowledge Management (AKM), mostly from “Post Doc” and ABB period (2009-2012):
- Zimmermann, O; Wegmann, L.; Koziolek, H.; Goldschmidt, T.: Architectural Decision Guidance across Projects, Proc. of. IEEE/IFIP WICSA 2015 (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Miksovic, C.; Küster J. M.: Reference Architecture, Metamodel and Modeling Principles for Architectural Knowledge Management in Information Technology Services. In: Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 85, Issue 9 2012, pp 2014-2033. Elsevier (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.: Architectural Decision Identification in Architectural Patterns, Proc. of WICSA/ECSA SHARK 2012, ACM Digital Library, 2012 (PDF)
- Julisch, K.; Suter, C.; Woitalla T., O. Zimmermann, O.: Compliance by Design. Bridging the Chasm between Auditors and IT Architects. In: Computers & Security, Volume 30, Issue 6-7 2011, Elsevier (PDF)
- Könemann, P., Zimmermann, O.: Linking Design Decisions to Design Models in Model-Based Software Development. Proc. of ECSA 2010, Springer LNCS (2010) (PDF)
“Predoc” period at IBM Zurich Research Lab: SOA Decision Modeling (SOAD) project (2006-2009, in collaboration with Stuttgart University, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Leymann, IAAS; see entries (16) to (26) on my IAAS Alumnus page for all papers originating from this project and period):
- Zimmermann, O.: Architectural Decisions as Reusable Design Assets. InfoQ and IEEE Software, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 64-69.
- Zimmermann, O.; Koehler, J.; Leymann, F.; Polley R.; Schuster N.: Managing Architectural Decision Models with Dependency Relations, Integrity Constraints, and Production Rules. In: Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 82, Issue 8 2009, pp. 1249-1267. Elsevier (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Zdun, U.; Gschwind, T.; Leymann, F.: Combining Pattern Languages and Architectural Decision Models into a Comprehensive and Comprehensible Design Method. Proceedings of IEEE WICSA 2008, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp 157-166. (PDF)
- Pautasso, C.; Zimmermann, O.; Leymann, F.: RESTful Web Services vs. Big Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision, Proc. of 17th World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008) (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Grundler, J.; Tai, S.; Leymann, F.: Architectural Decisions and Patterns for Transactional Workflows in SOA. Proceedings of ICSOC 2007, LNCS 4749/2007, Springer, 2007, pp 81-93. (PDF)
- Schuster, N.; Zimmermann, O.; Pautasso, C.: ADkwik: Web 2.0 Collaboration System for Architectural Decision Engineering, Proceedings of SEKE 2007, Knowledge Systems Institute, 2007 (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Gschwind, T.; Küster, J.; Leymann, F., Schuster, N.: Reusable Architectural Decision Models for Enterprise Application Development, Proceedings of QoSA 2007, LNCS 4880/2008, Springer, 2008 (PDF)
- Zimmermann, O.; Koehler, J.; Leymann, F.: Architectural Decision Models as Micro-Methodology for Service-Oriented Analysis and Design. Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Methods for Service-oriented Architecture (SEMSOA 2007), (PDF)
“Consulting IT Architect” period (1994-2005):
- Service-Oriented Architecture and Business Process Choreography in an Order Management Scenario (OOPSLA 2005 practitioner report)
- On this project, challenging requirements such as complexity of business process models and multi-channel accessibility turned out to be true proof points for the applied SOA concepts, tools, and runtime environments. To implement an automated and secured business-to-business Web services channel and to introduce a process choreography layer into a large existing application were two of the key requirements that had to be addressed. This paper discusses the rationale behind the decision for SOA, process choreography, and Web services, and gives an overview of the BPEL-centric process choreography architecture. Furthermore, it features lessons learned and best practices identified during design, implementation, and rollout of the solution.
- Bibtex, PDF
- Second Generation Web Services-Oriented Architecture in Production in the Finance Industry (OOPSLA 2004 practitioner report)
- Analysis and Design Techniques for Service-Oriented Development and Integration
- Elements of Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
- This online article called for a hybrid set of practices combining elements from enterprise architecture management, business process modeling, and OOAD back in 2004. It did not intend to define such method!3
- Internet Archive (Wayback Machine)
Other Listings
Find me at:
- Google Scholar should list all papers (and keep track of citations… 4000+ since October 2020 and 6113 on December 19, 2024 😊).
- I occasionally update ResearchGate, and some papers are available for download that way too. I do respond to “send paper” requests, typically every few months.
- My DBLP entry is a good source (bibtex entries and more).
- The ACM Digital Library does not seem to list all non-ACM venues, but provides tag clouds of keywords and topics (as well as some statistics).
- IEEE Xplore has all my IEEE Software articles (and more).
Stay tuned by subscribing to the RSS feed for this site.
GI stands for “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (German association of computer scientists). ↩
While XML and SOAP might have gone out of fashion (but are still found in practice!), the Business Perspective, the Architecture Perspective, the Operational Perspective and the Engagement Perspective of the book haven’t aged too badly, I’d say. Technologies have advanced since then, of course. By the way, microservices are an implementation approach to SOA (according to Sam Newman and others). ↩
Still working on it… strategic and tactic DDD certainly have their role to play, especially when being combined with event storming. Context Mapper, currently under construction in one of the open source projects that I contribute to, supports some of the required steps starting with user stories or event storming workshop results. Check out our Service/API Design Practice Repository (DPR), openly available on GitHub since August 2020 and also available as an eBook on Leanpub! ↩