In a previous post, we collected twelve definitions of cloud-native. In this post, we derive yet another one from those (and our own experience). Two, actually (“How standards proliferate”).
Cloud-Native Application (CNA) has been a trending buzzword in blogs, books and articles for several years now. But what does it take for an application to be(come) cloud-native? Do we...
This “meta-post” points you at valuable templates for documenting software architectures as well as a few pattern languages that can support their creation.
Aspect-oriented programming, behavior-driven development, CAP theorem… can we cook some more IT alphabet soup? This method and practice reference (as is, to be) and TLA resolver is not to be...
This “meta-post” indexes all posts in The Concerned Architect (by topic) and points to blogs that I visit when I am not busy consulting, designing, coding, teaching, writing.
Which level of research rigor and result maturity is required to satisfy paper reviewers? I shared tips how to write for reviewability and how to review before. Here are some...
I review documents a lot, and I attend many meetings too. Creating meeting minutes or review comments ain’t fun; the same holds for processing them. Over the years, I have...
Do you have real-world software engineering experience to share? Maybe you have presented on it already, or blogged about it? And you would like to “upgrade” to an official publication...
Difficult times for conference organizers… ECSA 2020 and Microservices 2020, two events I helped organize in 2020, took place online. What is happening in 2021?
When authoring specifications, technical documentation or articles, many pitfalls wait for authors (and, as a consequence, their readers) — but there are ways around them. In this post, I’ll highlight...
It is important to hit the most responsible moment for an Architectural Decision (AD) about a pattern or other concept, technology or product. But when is an AD actually ready...
Architectural Decision (AD) making and capturing are essential tasks for enterprise architects and solution architects; Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) have become increasingly popular. However, principles and practices for AD management...
This post reflects about reviewing ADRs. It identifies three review perspectives, recommends related practices and discusses anti-patterns. A review checklist is provided and an ADR reviewer pledge proposed.1 ADR stands...
ADR stands for architectural decision record, but could just as well stand for archive of design rationale. This post is about making ADRs valuable; a sibling post covers ADR review....
Our public Design Practice Repository (DPR) and the corresponding eBook at LeanPub collect proven method elements for agile architecting in general and API/service design in particular. Version 1.5 of the...
The Markdown Architectural Decision Record (MADR) Template turned five on Nov 22, 2022. MADR stems from documenting architectural decisions and used to be named “Markdown Architectural Decision Records”; but time...
Cloud-Native Application (CNA) has been a trending buzzword in blogs, books and articles for several years now. But what about migrating an application to the cloud? How to find out...
The post on “Event-Driven Service Design” proposes continuous refinement steps to derive process flows and API designs from event-command chains. Here, we show how to convert such process flows to...
Goal-oriented API design (“contract-first”) is a recommended practice in the Web API community; data modeling is equally important to balance API granularity and client-provider coupling. Finally, refactoring to API patterns...
Event storming workshops yield domain events and commands (among other artifacts). This post proposes a continuous refinement process to derive an API design and an executable integration flow from such...
If architectural decision records are so useful to capture software design rationale, why not extend their scope: Can they log organizational and managerial decisions as well? How about everyday decisions?...
This post proposes five principles for API design, summarized in the backronym POINT: purposeful, style-oriented, isolated, channel-neutral and T-shaped.
Should our favorite “-ilities” and miscellaneous design/decision drivers be filed under “Non-Functional Requirements” or “Extra-Functional Requirements”? The two editors of IEEE Software Insights do not agree. Read their arguments and...
The Design Practice Repository (DPR) on GitHub collects proven method elements and other knowledge nuggets for API and service design — and agile software architecture work in general. This post...
What is important when analyzing and designing software architectures, and what is not? This post proposes 5+2 criteria for the architectural significance of requirements (and other artifacts) and applies them...
In an ICWE keynote, I presented(ed) our evolving tool chain for object-oriented analysis and design (or DDD, to be precise) and service design. Here’s how to run the full demo....
It is good to know when the most responsible moment for an architectural decision about a pattern or technology has come. But when can a decision be considered done? This...
Architectural Decisions (ADs) have been answering “why” questions about design options since the inception of software architecture in the 1990s. Ways to capture them should be part of each architect’s...
The authors of the Addison-Wesley book “Patterns for API Design — Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges” publish(ed) 21 articles online last year, featuring selected patterns from their book....
This post lists 25 questions to ask when reviewing the Developer Experience (DX) of an API. It groups them by the four DX pillars (functionality, stability, ease of use, clarity)...
Microservice architectures evolved from previous incarnations of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) to promote agility and elasticity. This post updates the SOA vs. microservices positioning part of an older IFS web page...
In a previous post, I reflected about the evolution of Microservice API Patterns (MAP) since 2016. This “meta-post” points you at presentations and articles motivating the need for MAP, introducing...
Microservices are still trending, but not straightforward to design well. Patterns are a mature and elaborate form of knowledge sharing, so Microservice API Patterns (MAP) complement other pattern languages to...
This third part of my article series discusses how the research-practice gap can be overcome, identifies practically relevant topics in my research areas and encourages submissions to the “Dear Researchers”...
This post shares my personal thoughts regarding reasons for the research-practice gap in software engineering, in the spirit of the “Dear Researchers” column in the Journal of Systems and Software...
Elsevier’s high-profile Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) has introduced a column to share the perspective of industry professionals who want to reach out to the research community. This post...
There is a new series of articles about measuring and improving the ecological footprint of Web applications. “Growing Green Software” advertises itself metaphorically as this:
EuroPLoP is one of the go-to conferences on all things patterns; our “Patterns for API Design” benefitted a lot from EuroPLoP writers’ workshops 2017 to 2020. All five co-authors of...
The authors of Vaughn’s book series at Addison Wesley teamed up for a free online conference. “The Architecture and Modeling Learning Event” covered not only software architecture, domain modeling and...
Context Mapper is an open source DSL and tool for Domain-driven design (DDD), resulting from joint work by Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann. This post and a sibling give a...
In this guest post, my former colleague Hans-Peter Hoidn looks back on 50 years in Information Technology (IT) and the development and architecting experiences he gained. He comments on technologies...
This guest post is about collaborative architectural decision making, by way of a cross-organization software architecture board. My former colleague Hans-Peter Hoidn reports on motivation, setup and value of such...