Welcome to the public website of Prof. Dr. Olaf Zimmermann (a.k.a. ZIO)!

New (March 14, 2025): From analysis to synthesis: Messages from Practice to Academia, Part 3: Bridge Building and Topics of Interest.
New (March 3, 2025): Reasons for the research-practice gap identified in Messages from Practice to Academia, Part 2: Reasons for the Research-Practice Gap.
New (February 1, 2025): Journal column "Dear Researchers" with messages from practice to academia featured in Part 1 of a three-part blog post series.

New (December 11, 2024): Slides from SWIT presentation "Software Architecture @ 32: Responsible Decision Making or Prompt Engineering?" at CIT (PDF).
New (October 14, 2024): Slides for ITARC keynote "Timing Architectural Decisions" (PDF).
New (August 23, 2024): Open Source method/practice repository Ethical Software Engineering (ESE) Version 1.1 released on GitHub.
New (April 14, 2024): "Patterns for API Design" workshop delivered at API Conference 2024. Short conference report (take aways, links) on Medium.
New (March 14, 2024): Slides from ETHICOMP 2024 talk on the emerging Ethical Software Engineering (ESE) method. Peer-reviewed extended abstract (PDF).
New (February 23, 2024): Four new papers on API design and refactoring, CI/CD setup experiences, ethical software engineering.
New (January 15, 2024): Article Series "API Design Pattern of the Week" on LinkedIn and Medium (#apidpotw).

New (December 1, 2023): A Definition of Ready for Architectural Decisions (ADs).
New (July 5, 2023): Returning to EuroPLoP — Topics: API Refactoring (Paper) and Pattern Visualization (Focus Group).
New (May 26, 2023): Notes from The Architecture and Modeling Learning Event — Vaughn Vernon Signature Series Live in Action.
New (April/May, 2023): Advice how to create and review ADRs and proposal for An Adoption Model for Architectural Decision Making and Capturing.
New (Feb 16, 2023): "APIs as Service Activators: Tackling the Hard Parts of Integration Design" (ZEUS 2023 keynote slides).

The site features stories, insights, and unsolicited advice from 25+ years on the road in software architecture land. Content comes in two forms:

  1. The blog "The Concerned Architect" targets practicing and aspiring software architects, anybody interested in API/microservice design patterns and technical writers of all kinds. All posts are listed by topic in this index post; you also find links to other blogs there. You can view the posts by topic tag.
  2. Additional pages collect papers/presentations and outline my professional services portfolio.
If the blog name "The Concerned Architect" has whetted your appetite, start here:

The article series API Design Patterns of the Week on LinkedIn and Medium features pattern summaries (pattern/article index):
Week 1: Wish List, Week 2: Pagination, Week 3: Error Report, Week 4: API Key, Week 5: Processing Resource, Week 6: Information Holder Resource, Week 7: Data Transfer Resource, Week 8: State Transition Operation, Week 9: Metadata Element, Week 10: Id Element. Week 11: Embedded Entity. Week 12: Linked Information Holder. Week 13: Conditional Request. Week 14: API Description, Week 15: Rate Limit, Week 16: Context Representation, Week 17: Version Identifier, Week 18: Two in Production, Week 19: Public API, Week 20: Retrieval Operation, Week 21: Service Level Agreement.
The book features these 21 patterns, and 23 more, in depth.

Other topics that I am passionate — and opinionated — about:

ZIO Word Cloud

There is an RSS feed for this site. Hope you like it!


– Olaf (ZIO)

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