Other Blogs
Try the following blogs and/or personal websites if you haven’t found what you are looking for (listed in alphabetical order of author’s last name):
- Matthias Biel at the API University blog
- Alberti Brandolini’s avanscoperta blog
- Simon Brown’s speaker and trainer page
- Jordi Cabot maintains https://modeling-languages.com/.
- Andre Fachat on itarch and more
- Martin Fowler’s bliki
- Austin Z. Henley blogs about research in general, game development, AI and many other topics. Check out “Satirical ways to measure academics”!
- Kevlin Henney, author of two “97 Things …” books and collector of @KevlinHenneys
- Gregor Hohpe used to ramble about integration a lot here but has decided to board the IT Architect Elevator some time ago. He seems to stay on the upper levels most of the time, but returns to the engine room from time to time (2017, 2021, 2024) 😉
- Michael Keeling’s blog (last post seems to be from 2015)
- Philippe Kruchten’s blog (last post: 2021)
- Kin Lane, aka the API Evangelist
- Daniel Lübke shows how process modeling can help you write better structured code and covers other topics themed “digital solution architecture”
- Michael Nygard blogs at the cognitect blog
- Presentations by Michael Ploed on Speaker Deck
- Eltjo Poort’s blog
- David Roldán Martínez, API Evangelist
- Méline Sieber blogs here
- Michael Stal’s blog
- Gernot Starke does not seem to blog but co-authors the arc42 website
- Nick Tune’s Medium blog and the dddcrew on GitHub
- Vernon Vaughn’s blog at Kalele
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock’s blog: agile landing zone, most responsible moment for ADs, Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD)
- Eoin Woods’s website
- Simon Wardley on Medium, “Rewilding Software Engineering” and more
- Gary Zeien’s Cloud Notebook
The home page of my blog is here. There also is an index post.