API description ReferenceManagementServiceAPI data type PaperItemDTO { "title":D, "authors":D, "venue":D, "paperitemId":PaperItemKey } data type PaperItemKey { "id":D } endpoint type PaperArchiveFacade exposes operation createPaperItem with responsibility STATE_CREATION_OPERATION expecting payload PaperItemDTO delivering payload PaperItemKey operation lookupPapersFromAuthor with responsibility RETRIEVAL_OPERATION expecting payload D delivering payload PaperItemDTO* operation convertToMarkdownForWebsite expecting payload PaperItemKey delivering payload D // Generated from DDD upstream Bounded Context 'ReferenceManagementService' implementing PUBLISHED_LANGUAGE (PL). API provider ReferenceManagementServiceProvider // This Bounded Context realizes the following subdomains: PaperArchive offers PaperArchiveFacade at endpoint location "http://localhost:8002" via protocol "tbd" // The protocol is generated if you specify the implementation technology in CML // Generated from DDD downstream Bounded Context 'ReferenceManagementFrontend' implementing CONFORMIST (CF). API client ReferenceManagementFrontendClient // This Bounded Context realizes the following subdomains: PaperArchive consumes PaperArchiveFacade